Tiny Kaitlyn Ella
September 13, 2019
Tiny Vayda: Wizard in training…
September 18, 2019Teeny Penelope & Tiny Orion

I've waited four years to meet these two...since they were but a twinkle in their Mama's eye. These tiny humans' parents are lifelong friends of mine and I've been able to share in a bit of their journey to parenthood over the past few years. From fertility struggles to the loss of their triplet, it's been an emotional journey, for sure. I'm overjoyed that these two have arrived safely, Mama is in good health, and a new family journey has begun. My favorite kind of portrait to create is one with special meaning to the family - and we did exactly that for these little bugs. Orion donned Monarch wings in honor of his grandmother, and Penelope dressed up as a Dragonfly, which has great significance to her mom. These rainbow babies nestled in with a tiny purple butterfly to honor their triplet's brief but special life. It is my great honor to make meaningful works of art featuring each tiny human - every new life is a cause for celebration!