The Marvelous Lil’ Miss Mae!
June 28, 2018Violet Olivia
July 10, 2018The Original Brookside Baby
Today we're celebrating the 14th anniversary of the start of my very own Brookside baby's wild and precious life. Granted, he's a teenager now - his height is on the way up (taller than me!) and his voice gets lower with each passing year, but I remember that night we first came face to face like it was yesterday. We celebrated the next day with fireworks just outside our window - the hospital threw those in free of charge! Now that he's a young man, I'm so grateful for this visual and tangible reminder of his start as a very tiny human. There is wonder in each stage of a child's growth, but something so very special about the beginning. It's cause for CELEBRATION! I'd love to pass my joy along to you and your new tiny human - any inquiry on July 3rd or 4th that results in a Newborn Session booked will enjoy a complimentary gift created from their custom portraits. Set up a time to visit the studio to learn more about the experience and offerings. Use the code INDEPENDENCEBABY when you inquire. Now, cue those fireworks!